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Existing TPM Academy Graduates Calendar view

TPM Verified Talent Supply Chain Manager

Niki DaSilva


Here is the course outline:

1. Introduction to the TPM Verified Talent Supply Chain Manager Application Process

Please review of all of the documents within this section before starting on your TPM Verified Talent Supply Chain Manager application.

2. TPM Verified TSC Manager Application Part One: Preparing Stakeholders and Launching and Focusing ...

In this section, you will be asked to describe your process for determining that TPM was an appropriate solution for your community, company, and/or industry; how you determined industries of priority based on data and early needs identified; how you gained both employer commitment and buy-in internally and with various partners; and how you gained the support needed to launch TPM collaboratives or internal initiatives.

3. TPM Verified TSC Manager Application Part Two: Demand Planning and Job Requirements Analysis

In this section, you will be asked to describe your process for data/information collection, analysis, and determination of next steps with your collaborative or internal team regarding demand planning (Strategy 2) and analysis of job requirements (Strategy 3). You will describe your process for determining data needs, identifying the appropriate collection mechanisms for your collaborative or internal team, and preparing for discussion about what this data/information means for your next steps.

4. TPM Verified TSC Manager Application Part Three: Analyzing Talent Supply Challenges and Opportuni...

In this section, you will be asked to describe your process for determining with your collaborative or internal team how you collected information and discussed current and potential talent supply sources, challenges, and opportunities. While not every collaborative may elect to use all the Strategy 4 methodologies (depending on goals, context, and employer commitment), you will be asked to discuss the determinations and decision points that led to your decisions and how you navigated obtaining info and discussing talent supply dynamics within your TPM activity.

5. TPM Verified TSC Manager Application Part Four: Co-Designing and Implementing Talent Pipeline Sol...

In this section, you will be asked to describe your process for determining with your collaborative or internal team where to start in building talent pipeline solutions based on the pain points identified; data collected thus far; and priorities, solutions, and partners and processes needed to design, improve, or implement those pipeline solutions.

6. TPM Verified TSC Manager Application Part Five: Measuring Solutions and Planning for Incentives

In this section, you will be asked to describe how you did or plan to measure success and align any potential incentives to performance of provider partners.

7. Supplemental Documents

Please use this section to include your letter of support and any other supplemental documents that did not fit into your formal responses.

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