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First Time TPM Academy Learners Calendar view

TPM Faculty Master Class Series

Niki DaSilva

The Faculty Master Class Series is an opportunity to learn what it takes to become TPM Faculty.

The Faculty Master Class Series is an opportunity to learn what it takes to become TPM Faculty. The Master Class will consist of three sessions and one in-person workshop that will detail the skills necessary to be a successful TPM Faculty member. After participating in the Master Class series you may be eligible to become Faculty-in-training. Please see the schedule below:

  • Session A: Overview of the TPM Academy Aug 20 
  • Session B: Facilitating Content for Success Sep 3 
  • Session C: Engaging Learners Sept 17 
  • Session D: In-person Leadership Workshop Sept 29 

Here is the course outline:

1. 2024 TPM Faculty Master Class Series Introduction

This unit provides an overview of the Faculty Master Class Series including resources and expectations for completion

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